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Free Fiction Friday

Every Friday Twin Monocle is going to post a short story (well that's the plan at least). Here's the very first, just a short piece written for a flash fiction competition--I didn't win but I still like it. I call it...

Binky Saves the Day

Binky will save me. Won’t you Binky?

Binky’s beady eyes stare back at me, cold and expressionless as always. Something does move in those glassy eyes however, a reflection of tentacles under my bed. I’m not sure how long they’ve been there. They weren’t there when I said goodnight to Dad, they weren’t there when I got up to pee. Some time after that they appeared, just after the hallway light went out. The sensation of Binky’s short soft fur on my face normally soothes me, but it’s not enough tonight; I can hear the coiling, roiling, boiling, bubbling and belching thing slither and heave from out of the shadows and make it’s herky-jerky way across the floor. I’m sure it has teeth and claws, but it’s the slime which gets you. Thick, oozy slime. It soaks into your skin and you fizz away. Binky will save me though. Won’t you Binky? There’s a good boy. You’ve done this before haven’t you boy? Remember when you ate the postman? That was fun. Or when you cleared out that house of rats.

And people.

You haven’t feasted for so long but now’s your chance.

Binky drops to the floor and already the tentacles wrap around his furry feet. The seams along Binky’s sides split open revealing his gristly raw flesh. Those glassy eyes pop open and two fiery pits appear. His barbed teeth sink into the monster who until then knew no fear.

But it hadn’t met my Binky before.

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